Farm to Fermentation: A One-Day Guide to Cultured Foods and Their Cultural Roots

6/17/23, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Join us for a hands-on workshop exploring the art of Japanese and Korean fermentation! You will learn about the different types of fermentation techniques practiced in these cultures; including tsukemono, kimchi, miso, soy sauce, and more. We will briefly discuss varieties of vegetables that grow well in our climate and use locally sourced ingredients to create small batches of fermented goodies to take home. Beginners and experimented fermenters of all ages welcome.

Danielle M. Humphreys (she/her) is a queer, mixed-race Indigenous Ryukyuan-Italian American. She currently serves as a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Specialist at Bellingham Technical College and also offers deep listening as a spiritual director rooted in movements for collective liberation and social change. She is the proud daughter of an immigrant mother who survived the Battle of Okinawa and who continues to inspire her everyday. She is passionate about growing and eating food in community, reclaiming her Indigenous Okinawan heritage & sharing it with her three children, and centering joy.

Farm to Fermentation: A One-Day Guide to Cultured Foods and Their Cultural Roots

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