Plant of the Week- April 26
Plant of the Week- Actinidia sp. or Kiwis Kiwis, kiwifruit, and Chinese gooseberry are some the common names for the fruit of vines of the genus Actinidia. In the produce section of most supermarkets, the kiwifruit found is the fruit of the Fuzzy Kiwi, or Actinidia deliciosa. Saanichton is the selection of this species that […]

Plant of the Week- April 19
Plant of the Week- Pinus species or Pines Walking around the nursery and the display beds at the farm this week, I can see the various pines are waking up and starting to grow. Their new growth tips are one of the true signals that spring is really here! Conifers (and other evergreens) provide structure […]

Plant of the Week- April 6
Plant of the Week- Pears Right now at Cloud Mountain, all the Asian Pears are just passing full bloom in the orchards, with the European Pears just starting to flower. Pears are a relatively easy fruit to grow in our climate, so I thought we should highlight them when they are also adding ornamental interest […]

Plant of the Week- March 30
Plant of the Week- Fothergilla gardenii Dwarf Fothergilla What? The savvy gardener that knows this plant would most likely think that it’s star season is fall….and they are right that Fothergilla is a stunning fall foliage plant. But this time of year, don’t miss the unusual, honey scented flowers lighting up the garden. Fothergilla gardenii […]

Plant of the Week- March 23
Tall Oregon Grape! Right now, one of the showiest plants in bloom is Tall Oregon Grape, Mahonia aquifolium. Our area is native to 3 species of Mahonia, and Tall Oregon Grape is the most widespread of these. This remarkable evergreen shrub will grow in sun or partial shade, on rocky, sandy or even wet clay soils. […]

Plant of the Week- March 16
Strawberries! Why are we talking about strawberries in March? Because it is the perfect time to to plant! Planting bare root strawberry crowns while they are dormant is easy and economical. And, if you plant day-neutral varieties, you’ll get fruit this summer! Strawberries prefer sandy, well drained soil and full sun. Remove all weeds, and […]