Peach Leaf Curl

Peach Leaf Curl

Peach Leaf curl is caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans. The spores of the fungus lodge in the bud scales of peach and nectarine trees in the summer, overwintering there until the tree begins to break dormancy. At that time, the new leaf tissues are infected,...
Winter Scouting Fruit Trees

Winter Scouting Fruit Trees

Scouting, or looking for pest and disease problems on plants, is an important part of good orchard management. Winter is a good time to look at your fruit trees without their leafy clothing hiding problems. In our rainy climate, all manner of fungal and bacterial...
Winter Garden Joy

Winter Garden Joy

We have been blessed in Whatcom County this fall and early winter with more sunshine and less rain than normal. But even in the dreariest November and Decembers, you can find hummingbirds warring over winter blooming plants. Plants that bloom in the fall and winter do...
Harvest is upon us

Harvest is upon us

With the warm, dry summer we’ve had, fruit is ripening up to three weeks ahead of “normal”. For the last three years, our accumulated heat units are well above the historical average. Since many fruits ripen when they’ve experienced the right...
Cover Crops for Home Gardeners

Cover Crops for Home Gardeners

Thanks to Chris Benedict at WSU Whatcom Extension and his reminder to plan for cover crops in the recent edition of Whatcom Ag Monthly.  This time of year, farmers face decisions on which cover crops to plant for fall. Cover crops are frequently used to improve and...

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