My son from Vermont was just here for a visit and of course some of the conversation turned to gardening. While his weather and growing conditions are surprisingly similar to ours, timing of preparation and planting has some unique differences. This is a reminder to me about the many microclimates there are in this area. While you are planning what to plant and where this season, pay close attention to your climate conditions. Position of the sun at different times of the year along with influence from surrounding trees or buildings can affect how well your fruit trees perform. Average high and low temperatures will vary from one site to the next even in the same neighborhood. Also, no matter what type of soil you have, our area soils tend to be cold and soggy during the winter which is really hard on all roots…..except for those early weeds!
Quince has been generating plenty of interest here at the farm and nursery for good reason. It is a small, ornamental pale pink flowering tree producing a hard, yellow fruit that is quite tart resembling a cross between a pear and apple and is quite aromatic. It has been cultivated in this country since colonial times, but while the fruit is edible, it really needs to be processed for the most enjoyment as far as I’m concerned. The are considered self-fertile and will grow well in all types of soil in our area. We have three cultivars of quince to choose depending on your site and culinary requirements. Edward, our assistant manager, has some pretty great recipes for enjoying quince! Come out to the nursery and we will be happy to help you choose the right fruit for your site!

We have an aromatnaya quince that is at least 5 years old, and seems healthy, but has not yet produced any fruit. any thoughts on what could be the cause? Thanks!
Does it flower? Quince do take a while to come into production- if it’s flowering, try to observe whether bees are working the flowers, and observe if you have any frost around flowering time. Quince are self-fertile, but still need pollinators to work the blossoms, and their flowers are fairly frost sensitive.
yes, it does flower, and there are other fruit trees in the immediate area that get pollinated and produce fruit (pear, cherry, apple). I’ve wondered if perhaps it’s a timing/weather issue- maybe it blooms early and either the bees aren’t around yet, or the weather isn’t favorable. I think that this year I might try to hand pollinate. I’ve been waiting so long for quinces!